Photo retouching in Photoshop | Photoshop
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 in Web Designing
Photoshop is the most commonly used worldwide tool for designing optimised websites. This product from Adobe is a boon to graphic and web designers. It has proved its importance and efficacy in handling images as it has emerged as the right hand of the designers. With the help of Photoshop pro....
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· Photo Editing Software

Photoshop is widely considered the best image editing software in the world today by a long way, and it is not difficult to see why. Photoshop offers incredibly advanced effects which would previously have taken days or weeks to accomplish, and reduces them to the level of a few settings and a few clicks....
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Photo retouching in Photoshop

Photo retouching is one of the many techniques used by photographer in enhancing and making their images beautiful. This technique, photo retouching, is very useful to them as photographer since they can edit, add and change some parts of the photo that are not as good as they want. Almost all photographers around the world use photo retouching technique in doing such kind of image editing.

In this tutorial, I am going to introduce the technique, photo retouching, used by photographers in editing images. Just follow the steps below.

1. Open the image you want to retouch. For an instance, I use an Indian lady with dark skin image for us to see the real changes after this tutorial.
photo retouching
2. Go to Layer > Duplicate Layer to duplicate the existing layer which is the image that you want to retouch. Change the Blending mode to Soft Light 100%.
photo retouch
3. Change the settings on the Selective Color by going to Image > Adjustment > Selective Color. Add 20% to black color setting of color Black. See screen shot below.
photo retouching
4. Using the Magic Wand Tool ( Q ), select the skin area of the Indian lady and set the feather radius in the Feather Selection tool ( Alt + Ctrl + D ) to 5px.
photo retouch
5. Copy the Selection into a new layer. By doing so, right click on the Selection then select Layer via Copy option (Ctrl + J) and name it “skin”.
photo retouching
6. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves to add an adjustment layer curve. Set the Input to 120 and Output to 147.
photo retouch image
7. Again go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Level. This time select the Level option to create a Level Layer.
photo retouching image
8. Duplicate some adjustment layer if it doesn't strong enough.
photo retouch
9. Add Hue/Saturation Layer. To do this: Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation. Set the Hue to 0, Saturation to -30, Lightness to +18.
photo retouching
10. We are now finished retouching her skin. Now we proceed to her lips. Pick a Lasso Tool and draw the selection around her lips. The same with her skin set the feather radius to 5. To do this, repeat what you have done with step 4. Add Hue/Saturation Layer for her lips.
photo retouch
11. Now we have to shave something in her face. Select the layer you named earlier as “skin.” Pick the Burn tool to darker some dark area in her face like the eyebrows, eyelashes, etc.
photo retouching
12. The screen shot below are things that we need to fix since the areas are so bright.
Photo retouching in Photoshop
13. Use EyeDropper Tool to choose a skin tone color. Make a new Layer and then use Soft Brush draw into bright areas. Be sure that you draw it on the new layer that you created. Change the Blending mode to “Color.” Then add a filter effect on it by going to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the radius to 7px. (note: you can adjust the radius from 5px to 10 px).
Photo retouching in Photoshop
14. Add one more adjustment layer (Photo Filter) and set the density to 10%. You can find this Photo Filter by going to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Photo Filter.
Photo retouching in Photoshop
15. You should make a copy-of-merged-layer by using Image >> Apply Image ( on new blank layer ). And change the blending mode to Screen and decrease its Opacity.
Note: You can use Dodge and Burn Tool to shading some skin areas that are incorrect.
Photo retouching in Photoshop

Before the Photo retouching
Photo retouching in Photoshop
After the Photo retouching
Photo retouching in Photoshop
Photo retouching in Photoshop


mbed88 said...

Thanks so much for the re-touching technique. photoshop has so many options and features, who knows where to start. I'm a photographer and re-touching is basically what I use photoshop for. Coincidentally, I still use CS2 on with Vista Home Basic, I couldn't get CS3 to install or upgrade. Any suggestions.

· What's New in Adobe


Photoshop CS3 is now at version 10 of this phenomenally successful program (well twelth actually, if you count versions 2.5 and 5.5). And it all started almost twenty years ago in late 1987, when Thomas Knoll with his brother John, created the first prototype version of Photoshop. Photoshop CS3 has come on a long way since then, so much so that even in a big book like this there is only enough space to cover the features that are of specific interest to photographers.... Read more